Adverts Context

The business logic for managing and displaying adverts is abstracted into it's own context and provider.


adEnginesAdEngine []An array of Ad Engines, either prop via config or returned from MAPI, contains the list of Advert Engines for the given radioplayer id
adswizzProviderAdProviderThe provider for Adswizz adverts
vastProviderAdProviderThe provider for VAST adverts
tritonProviderAdProviderThe provider for Triton adverts
adswizzEngineAdsWizzEngineThe engine used to configure Adswizz ads
tritonEngineTritonEngineThe engine used to configure Triton ads
vastEngineVastEngineThe engine used to configure Vast ads
gptTagGoogleAdProviderGoogle Publish Tags adverts provider
videoAdHolderRefPropRef-HTMLDivElementThe ref of the div container the advert element is rendered within - Used to get dimensions of advert
videoRefPropRef-HTMLVideoElementThe ref of the video element the advert is rendered in - Used to control playback of advert
requestStreamPlayFunctionMakes a request to the audio engine that the audio stream continues playback after an Ad
requestStreamPlayFunctionMakes a request to the audio engine that the audio stream pauses playback to play an Ad
providerNamesstringThe names of the advert providers - used by the cookie banner
videoAdPlayingbooleanIf a video advert is currently playing
companionAdstringData for a non-Google provided advert