Introduction to the Radioplayer Web Player

Intended audience

This integration guide is designed for stations and groups who need to customise or understand the Radioplayer web player beyond the level provided by the console generator. You should understand HTML and JavaScript to use this. If you don't, you can pass this documentation on to your web developers, or just use the console generator. Most stations will not need it. It is only needed if you are, for example, integrating the player within a CMS, or providing a custom "Now Playing" view or transport controls. If you just need to set your streams and customise the colours then this can be done using the Console Generator.


The Radioplayer web player is an app that can be integrated into a CMS, deployed by linking to a script hosted by Radioplayer Worldwide and served from a CDN. You insert the player into the HTML using a tag with specific properties. You pass configuration options to the player as a JSON string inside the element. You should not have any other HTML elements in the page, as this can break the formatting.

Custom elements should be added using widgets, which are components provided by the player that can display informaiton such as now playing and schedule information. Alternatively you can replace these with your own iframe. You should not add additional scripts for analytics or advertising to the page: these can be enabled using the settings in Radioplayer Cloud or via an iframe widget. This will ensure that they receive playback events and integrate correctly with the player.